Thursday, October 1, 2009

Birthday Time!!

Tommorow is 2nd of October, a national holiday. A time to wake up late in the morning, a time to do the pending work, a time to play video games, a time to go for an outing. But do we really think of why this day is a national holiday?

I was quiet surprised that a college pass out; one of my yoga student didn’t know the answer. Strange, wasn’t it? What so strange, simply he had a poor GK. After a little pondering and scratching his head with his left hand, he shyly said, “Mahatma Gandhi.”
I asked, “Tommorow we also celebrate B’day of one more great leader. Do you know who is he?” This time it was a tough question, a really tough one. Seeing his blank face, gave him a hint, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.” But all was in vain.

Is it really true that we remember B’day of Bollywood actors and actresses but we are forgetting our GREAT leaders who sacrifice their lives for us?

Put your hand on your heart and ask, “Do you know, who the other leader is to share his B’day on the same date?”