Friday, December 23, 2011

Erotic romance

Mr. ‘S’ asked me. “Do you write short stories for kids?”
“Believe me or not, I write erotic romance.” ;)

This is 400th post.:)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


As we were walking through a forest area, the kid in our group after eating chocolate asked me, “Should I throw this wrapper in this dustbin?” I couldn’t see any other dustbin nearby nor was sure what this construction was for. In such a situation what do you think should be mine reply?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Chuja in the bank!

“Chuja! Chuja Stop!! CHUJA STOP!!!” A young woman screamed to a tiny dog whose chain slipped from her hand in the bank. She tried to stop him while slowly running towards him.

Which was more irritating; she brought the dog in the bank or the dog name was ‘Chuja’ (chick)?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Evening walk companion!

“What are you doing?” Mr. ‘H’ asked me on phone.
“Evening walk!” I replied.
Just then I saw a creature moving along the side of path with me. So I said. “No. Not alone.”
“With whom?” He was damn curious to know.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Short story competition

I am thinking of participating in a short story writing competition. I have to frame a story of more than 5000 words which is really a tough task for me.

As the genre is mythology should I write an incidence form Ramayana or Mahabharata?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lights in meditation

“With close eyes the colors we see are more vibrant and bright as compare to what we see with our open eyes.” I told my student.
“Is it true?”
“Why don’t you experience it yourself?” I suggested.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Parking charges

“Madam, your parking charges are Rs. 10/- as you parked your car here at 2pm.” He said.
I searched my pockets, found thousand rupee notes only and hesitantly asked. “Do you have the change?”
“For hundred rupees? Yes. Yes.”
“For five hundred? Yes. Yes.”
“For thousand rupee.”
“Don’t you have the change. Madam?”
“Let me see.” I searched the car pocket in which I kept some change. At that time there were two coins of one rupee and one coin of two rupees and a total of Rs. 4/- in it. “What do you want Rs. 4/- or return the change for Rs. 990/-?”