Aha! My personal meeting with Om Swamiji got approved.
I was on cloud nine!
As soon as we got an email from Om Swamiji’s office that
a personal meeting had been scheduled with Him, we all had the same reaction.
Happy! HAPPY! Yeh!
But the time allocated is only 2 minutes i.e.,120
seconds. We have to pay obeisance, express gratitude, seek forgiveness, ask a
question and listen carefully to His answer; all in 120 seconds. We should plan
it properly to execute in the blessed time frame. For those who will be
visiting Sri Badarika Ashram and having one-on-one meet with Him for the
first time, I have jotted down some points for your convenience. Try to follow
all if possible.
1. When you
meet Him, you should wear upper garment of white color. If you are wearing any
colored jacket, top or shirt then you can drape white/cream color
shawl or just white color cotton dupatta around you.
2. Before you
step on the white color asana spread in front of Him. Sit down in vajrasana
(kneel down, gently sit back on your legs and taking your weight off your
knees) on the floor close to the asana. Bend down forward till your head
touches the asana and mentally express gratitude to Guru for providing the
asana. Lift your head, fold your hands and then step on the asana to take your
seat. Before taking a seat, you can do dandvat pranama if you wish to.
3. After you sit comfortably,
fold your hands and close your eyes and do the pranama, charanspash (mentally)
or chant the mantra
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः
गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥
GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha
Please do
this step as per your feelings and devotion towards Him.
4. Just in one
sentence thank Him for his videos, books, his teachings, or sadhana suggested
by Him whichever you are benefitted from. Do not forget to mention Sadhana
App, if you feel that your spiritual progress has been improved with its usage.
5. Ask for
forgiveness, it is optional.
6. Ask only one
question, focus only on one point. Frame a question that is neither too short
nor too lengthy. Do a thorough research on internet as well as in the
books so that your question is a specific question related to your topic. Ask
Him a difficult question, nah very difficult question. Constructing a tough
question is not a child’s play as He had already answered millions of questions.
You must ask only one question preferably related to your spiritual growth. You
can even seek solution to any problem in your materialistic life but then you
will be delaying your spiritual progress. Speak as less as possible so that you
can listen to His words more.
7. Avoid asking
too many questions if you ask more. In that case His words will be final, and
you cannot modify it. But if you do not ask many questions then you
have the option to modify any practice according to your comfort zone and as
per your need and time.
8. Or you can
even ask for one blessing for your materialistic growth or spiritual growth.
Either question or blessing the choice is yours.
9. One
important point, please keep your hands folded in front of Him. You can cross
your fingers or just Namaste pose whichever you are convenient with. While
talking, do not unfold or move your hands.
10. Towards the
end, feel obliged that He blessed you with His precious time and guided you.
Say, Thank you. Do charansparsh or pranama before leaving the room.
I hope you all will find these points useful and will be
able to make the optimum use of 120 seconds. Best wishes. :)
If you have any query related to this post, please
feel free to write in the comment section or drop a mail to me using contact