Thursday, October 8, 2009


An attractive duck with colorful speculum was floating in one of the lakes in Orlando. She is a proud mother of eighteen young ones. Some dull colored, some bright yellow and a few spotted ducklings are trailing her in swamp. Swimming, diving, getting entangled in aquatic flora but still following their mother.

In recession, upbringing of eighteen young ones is really a tough job, indeed tough.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Polythene bags

These days, almost every item is wrapped in polythene. Spices, pulses, sugar, biscuits, bread, washing powder, electric gadgets and readymade garments are there with a cover of polythene around them. Even liquids like milk and oil are also in polypacks.

Karva Chauth, a traditional festival for married women, no food no water. They keep fast for longevity of their husbands. On that day, rather at night they break their fast after moon rise.

This year, the faintly visible moon with a tint of orange and yellow seemed to be wrapped in slightly white polythene. Nature affected by polythene!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Light in the darkness

While returning home, from yoga classes, a lady of senior citizen cadre stopped me. I greeted her. She asked me about yoga classes, its charges and what I teach and for how long. I tried to satisfy her with my answers dipped in politeness but she seemed to be a person, not to be satisfied easily.

“Do you teach meditation?” she inquired
“Yes, in bhrahmari pranayam, meditation is one step; we do it for two minutes.”
“Just two minutes!”
“Yes, ma'am. I teach pranayams which are breathing excercise and physical excercise for strenghtening of all body organs. Ma'am, I have to keep balance between them. So can’t give more time than that.”
“In meditation what are your experiences?”
“My Goodness, such a personal question in just first meeting.” I thought and smiled back to avoid the question. She didn’t get the hint and asked again. This time I changed the track and said, “Few days back, one of my students saw a very radiating sun.”
She was amazed, “One sees lights!!! I do the meditation for six to seven hours daily and only see darkness.” I tried to clarify her that if one does pranayam, yoga, diet control and lead a disciplined life, they all help in meditation.”
“I don’t want to do formal meditation.” she replied bluntly.
“Then see the DARKNESS only.” I chewed my words.

Most of the time, we all need to open up the windows of our minds, so that some light can come in.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Crack in front car glass

One day returning back home, from Gurgaon, a loaded truck crossed my car with a high speed. As the truck passed the car, I heard a chink sound as if a small pebble struck at upper corner of the front glass. It came with such a force and speed that my eyes couldn’t see it. A tiny dent appeared even smaller than the head of a allpin. Thinking that it is a pretty small issue just left it.

After two days, the crack at the same point starts growing inside the glass. Surprising fact was that the crack couldn’t be felt on both the surfaces of glass: top and bottom. It started spreading its huge arms like an imp with each passing day.

Sometimes, some person with the same force and intensity enters one’s life and make a quick exit. After that, the needle tip wound increases its size making one’s life HELL.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Life Vs food

On National Highway No.8, from Rewari to Gurgaon, was going by car. A shikra commonly known as hawk of gray color with whitish bars, all of a sudden came in front of our speeding car. A sudden break from both the sides prevented the mishap. Shikra was carrying a little squirrel in his piercing black claws, but to save his own life, he lost his grip on the prey. As baby squirrel fell on the road, it hurried towards the nearby bushes to save its life. Oops! My camera couldn’t capture that sight as it happened so quickly.

Happy we feel as the little squirrel’s life was saved or feel sad as shikra couldn’t get his meal?


Today, Shyam Baba’s Prasad was handed over to me. It was a decorative box of 5inches x 5inches x 1½ inches.

On opening it, I found it, packed with locked poly bags. Different eatables were laying one above the other. Yellow colored boondis, slightly sweet churma, reddish yellow namkeen, Karachi halwa which can’t be broken into two pieces but can be stretched like a rubber were in different bags. Two toffees, one piece paitha were lying in between the packets. And what else in one corner was a small samosa stuffed with dry spices.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Made in India

I was surprised to see that like Indian markets American markets were also flooded with Chinese products. Tempting products like a toy, decorative items, cell phones, electric gadgets, just think of the item and that is ‘Made in China’. One, two, three….. each item I picked. I felt quiet disappointed on not finding anything ‘Made in India’ in American market. I try to soothe myself may be the items I randomly picked up were all ‘Made in China’. But I couldn’t.

On one of New York street, disheartened on not finding anything ‘Made in India’, with my drooping head, I was walking and walking, pondering on the performance of Indian products in the world market. And then what I saw, a sewerage iron manhole cover, dust mingled with smoke gathered in its designer groves, but still highlighting in bold letters ‘Made in India’. At least something I found that was ‘Made in India’.