Jnana Yoga means liberation through knowledge. Knowledge is truth. And
Truth is that God is everywhere and in everything. He is in all beings and all
beings are in him. There is no difference between the Self and God. One can
practice this with the technique of self inquiry and by asking question ‘Who am
I?’ The thoughts arise as soon as ‘I’ thought arise in mind. All the thoughts
are based on ‘I’ which is the root of all thoughts. If the root is pulled out
then the tree dies similarly if the root thought ‘I’ is uprooted all the
thoughts vanishes. Hence, seek the root ‘I’ by questioning ‘Who am I?’. Find it
and remove it. The question ‘Who am I?’ is like a stick to gather the scattered
wood in the bon fire and in the last the stick will itself burn. It destroys
all the other thoughts and finally kills itself also.
(Excerpt from 'Japa Meditation - The Easiest Way to Calm the Mind' by Chandrika Shubham. This book is available online at amazon.in)
(Excerpt from 'Japa Meditation - The Easiest Way to Calm the Mind' by Chandrika Shubham. This book is available online at amazon.in)