Monday, June 12, 2023

How Intermediates Can Select Sadhana(s) in Sadhana App?

After progressing in sadhana practices when one can sit for quite a long time and can continue the practice for more than 11 days at a stretch then one can shift to a higher level. This extended duration and commitment help deepen the practice, foster discipline, and cultivate a stronger connection with the chosen mantra or deity. Progressive practitioners can experience heightened benefits and spiritual growth through this extended sadhana period.

In the intermediate stage, practitioners have the option to continue repeating the same mantras mentioned for beginners or focusing on sadhana with a single beej mantra or seed syllable. Choosing a single seed mantra helps in building up concentration by repetition and deepening the vibrational energy of the mantra. This practice enhances focus, spiritual progress, and attunement to the essence of the chosen syllable. It provides an opportunity for practitioners to develop the profound effects of a specific seed syllable and further improve their mantra sadhana.

In Sadhana App following are the sadhanas with one seed syllable:

  1. Om gam ganapataye namah for Lord Ganesha as Ganapati Sadhana in Gajakarna.

  2. Om hrim ashvatejasya adhovani svaha for Lord Surya as Kartik Sadhana in Amaravati.

  3. Om hrim durgayai namah for Maa Durga as Durga Tantra Sadhana in Kadamba Forest.

  4. Shrim for Ma Laxmi as Mahalakshmi Sadhana in Golden Palace.

  5. Om klim krishnaya namah for Lord Krishana as Krishna Tantra Sadhana in Gokula

  6. Hum janakivallabhaya svaha for Lord Rama as Rama Tantra Sadhana in Ayodhya.

The intermediate stage is designed for progressive practitioners who can sustain a 30-minute or longer sitting practice and maintain a routine for more than 11 days like 21, 25 or 30 days. 

At this stage, it is beneficial to practise dietary restrictions, such as avoiding non-vegetarian food, alcohol, fried food, spicy food, garlic, onion, coffee, tea or any other dietary restriction one wishes to impose on oneself. It helps in building up discipline and self-control, which are necessary for long-term advancement in sadhana. By consciously observing dietary guidelines, practitioners cultivate purity, clarity, and a healthy balance between body and mind. These restrictions help to improve one's energy, enhance focus, and develop a right environment for penance. However, the decision to follow specific dietary restrictions during sadhana is a personal choice, and individuals should consider their own beliefs and well-being in determining what aligns best with their spiritual practice.

If you still have any doubt you can drop a mail at

1 comment:

  1. Jai Sri Hari! After reading this enlightening article, I felt inspired to deepen my sadhana practice. The emphasis on extended duration and commitment resonated with me. As the scriptures say, "With disciplined practice, the connection with the divine strengthens, leading to profound spiritual growth." The inclusion of specific seed syllables and the importance of dietary restrictions further highlighted the path to purity and focus. Thank you for sharing this valuable guidance. I will definitely reach out for any doubts.
