Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Justification to smoking

“We, all poor labours do the hard work all the day. We don’t have TV or radio to entertain ourselves. It is only the bidi which we smoke to relieve our tensions and frustrations.” A labour replied to a health worker who was convincing him to stop smoking.

Do you think smoking is justified with these reasons or smoking can’t be justified at all?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. smoking can be justified in some cases, at least for some persons and only sometimes....also long time u visited my blog last

  3. To each as per his own.. nothing justifies anything.. not even your raising questions and us answering..

  4. I'm an active smoker...
    For me I'm active because people says

    "Passive smoking is more dangerous...."

  5. It may sound stupid, Bidi smoking does relieve stress

  6. ..well..any kind of addiction is not justified..in any case..we are all educated and know pros and cons of smoking,,
    (its all bull shit..Stress relieving thing)

  7. Smoking is never justified.. Its a bad habit whatever the case may be...

  8. Well...we are responsible for our actions and as long as your actions do no harm to others, it should be fine.

    Smoking harms people around you. It also damages your health, thus harming your family and others that depend on you.

    It can't be forgiven.

  9. Smoking harms you and even more others. It's an addiction. If something makes you happy momentarily it doesn't mean it can be justified.

  10. @ Everyone : Thanks for expressing your views. :)
