Monday, July 27, 2015

Double colour Leguminous flower

"Where did you click this pic from?" On seeing this beautiful double color leguminous flower, one of my friend commented.
"In our society." I replied.
"Where in our society?" She asked with a bit of surprise in her voice.
"Just below your kitchen balcony." I smiled.
"I never notice this flower."
"Of course it can't be noticed from sixth floor as its size is small." I said with a little wink. "These days it is blooming you can watch it whenever you pass by that area." I smiled.


  1. this is the kalahari christmas tree, also called as chinese lantern tree :) very beautiful :)

  2. this is the kalahari christmas tree, also called as chinese lantern tree :) very beautiful :)

  3. Thanks for sharing the name! :) Keep visiting! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing the name! :) Keep visiting! :)
