Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Trendy stoles

An article ‘Mix up your fashion – Master the stole!’ on Rewardme inspired me to write more about the stoles and in super stylish ways they can be worn. A stole can be worn in different ways giving a totally new look to the wearer.  

Infinite loop
Hold the stole on the neck with both the ends equal. Tie both the ends. Make another knot to avoid slippage of fabric. Twist it making a loop shaped like letter 8. Drape the bottom loop of eight over the head. Stole made up of silk can be used for this style.

The necklace
Fold the stole diagonally. Put it around the neck with both the ends equal. Like infinite loop tie both the ends, twist it to make a loop in the shape of letter 8. Drape the bottom loop over the head. Set the loops as one likes. Chiffon fabric can be used for this style.

Knotted shawl
Drape the stole on the shoulders. Take both of its ends at the back, wrapping the respective arms. Pull the ends tightly and tie a knot. Pull the scarf fabric below to cover the knot. This will give an appearance like that of wearing a shawl. Thick fabric can be used for this.

Double sided twist
Take two stoles of different colour and prints. Hold them together back to back. Drape them around the neck with unequal ends. Like basic wrap, drape the longer end around the neck so that both the ends are equal. While turning around the neck also turn the fabric so that both the stoles are visible, one in the loop close to neck and other falling down on both the sides of neck.

The turtle neck
Drape the stole around the neck with one end considerably longer than the other. Drape the longer end around the neck three or four times. Tie a knot of both the ends. To secure tie one more knot. Adjust the loops in such a way that knots are behind the draped fabric.

The two knots
Drape the stole around the neck with equal ends. Tie a knot in the middle of one side of stole. Tie another knot in the middle of other side of knot. This simple style gives a trendy look to the wearer.

The classic knot
Fold the stole in half lengthwise. Drape it around the neck with unfolded end significantly longer than the folded end. Pass the unfolded end from the folded ends. Tighten the knot, to look amazing.

Theme 2 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

Monday, July 6, 2015

Stole – A fashion statement

I loved the article ‘Mix up your fashion – Master the stole!’ on Rewardme. It tells how stole can be used in different styles. A stole can give a new look to the wearer even on a plain shirt, top or evening gown. It can make simple and less attractive dresses more striking. Wearing a stole in different styles can give a person, totally new look without spending money on buying new clothes. It makes the wearer’s personality very appealing and attractive. A stole can make the wearer fashionable by just the way it is tied around the neck.

While selecting a stole the color and print should be carefully selected as they should be appealing as well as trendy. Bright colors and patterned stoles give good results. One can even try wearing those colors and patterns that one doesn’t like. A stole should be made of light material like silk n chiffon. One can also wear a stole made up of fur for warmth and classic look.

This article also explains about how to tie a stole. In basic wrap, it is tied around the neck with uneven lose ends. Hold the stole unevenly around the neck and wrap the longer end around the neck keeping it enough lose around the neck. For this style the stole should preferably be in rectangular shape.

It also highlights another technique to wrap a stole around the neck which is known as arranged wrap. For this style the stole should be square. Fold it diagonally to make it a triangle. Place the folded side on the shoulders. Hold both the ends at the front and tie them together. Turn the stole so that the knot goes at the back. For a cowboy look the stole can be wore with knot on one of the shoulders.

This article is written in a very simple language so that even a layman can understand it. It explains the step by step techniques how to tie a stole around the neck. It clarifies all the points in detail how to create various fashion styles. It tells that stoles can become an integral part of one’s dress without spending too much money on buying new clothes. The picture of stole in the beginning of the article is very beautiful and very attractive. I must confess that this article steals my heart. It is the best article I have ever read on stoles.

Theme 1 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Best out of waste

The article ‘Make or break’ on Rewardme inspires me to write this article. There are some of the articles which can be created by using unused and incomplete sets of crockery.

Take a plate, mark its center correctly, made a hole in the center with a driller. Insert the clock machine in the hole. From the top of the clock place the hour hand down first, then minute hand and in the last second hand. Bolt it to hold the hands and motor in position. Don’t forget to add battery to make it tick.

Glue a cup on the plate with epoxy glue. Try out multiple color combinations to get excellent results. Melt the paraffin wax in a pan. But always remember to melt it slowly so never put it directly on fire but put the pan containing wax in boiling water. Add the desired color and scent to it. Place the wick in the center of the cup and hold it in the position with a help of two sticks placed on the rim of cup. Slowly pour the wax without disturbing the wick. Allow it to cool. Remove the sticks and trim the wick to half an inch above the candle.

Flower pot and wall handing
Take one cup. Cut it in the half. Glue the two half pieces on a rice plate from the flat side. Glue a hanging loop on it at its back side. Use them to plant small plants or to decorate flowers or to hold spoons and forks. 

Bird feeder
Glue a cup on a plate. Make three holes equidistant from each other just below the rim of the cup. Draw beautiful strings through those holes and gather them together on the top and tie a knot in iron ring. Hang the iron ring. Put the grains in the cup and enjoy watching birds while feeding.

Pin holder
Take three small sized cups. Glue them on a plate in a line or circle. Put the stuffing inside a small cloth just double the size of the rim of cup. Sew it from all sides and draw the string to make it a small ball. Glue the ball carefully in the cup so that it puffed out of the cup rim. Hold the pins and needles in it. Now they won’t hurt anybody more in the house.

Pen and pencil holder
Glue cups, cupcakes, small bowls and plates etc. to create different stands of various sizes and designs which can be used to hold pens and pencils.

Theme 2 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A meeting with Yashodhara Lal

I got the chance to meet the renowned author and blogger Yashodhara Lal to meet her at HarperCollins event organised by Indibloggers. It was great talking to her about her new release 'There is something about you', her impressive style of writing and the way she manages her job, motherhood responsibilities and being an author. I was amazed how she found time for all!

Earlier, Manasi Subramaniam from HarperCollins shared valuable information about to get published, points to be kept in mind while submitting a manuscript and the steps through which a book passes till publishing. I found the information how to publish a ebook very useful. Karthika Vk, Chief  Editor, Harpercollins interacted with the bloggers.

In the event, including me seven bloggers were present. It was fun to meet a poet, a doctor, a lifestyle blogger, a person who runs two blogs one personal and other on literature and two tech bloggers. Meeting new bloggers, knowing about their blogs, interacting them is always fun. I thank Indibloggers for organizing such events and giving me a platform to meet so many bloggers from various fields and a very famous blogger n author Yashodhara Lal.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Word Up 2015

My laptop crashed five days back, after Windows were reinstalled on it, I started it and the first page I opened on internet was of Indiblogger. I found that Indiblogger Team is organising Word Up 2015 on July 11, 2015 in my city – Gurgaon. The speakers will be KV Sridhar (Pops), Aashish Chopra, Arun Nair , Kiran Manral, Lakshmipathy, Nandita Iyer and Rachit Hirani. I desperately wanted to attend this blogger meet. I have always enjoyed the blogger meets organised by Indiblogger. The first time it was in New Delhi HP IndiBlogger Meet 2011 and next time in Biggest Indiblogger Meet 2015 at Kingdom of Dreams, Gurgaon. This time also I want to be a part of Word Up 2015. I have applied and waiting for an invite from Indiblogger with my fingers crossed.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

First International Yoga Day

 A lecture cum demonstration was organised in our society. Lecture was given by Dr. N. D. Sukla. He first explained about the Pantanjali Yoga Sutras i.e yama, niyam,  asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, Samadhi. He demonstrated various lying, sitting and standing exercises and asanas explaining about there benefits. He briefly explained various mudras, pranayams and laughing exercises. In the end there was a prayer for the peaceful, healthy and happy world.
              Time to relax - Everyone lying in shithil asana.
                Me - Practicing standing yoga asanas.
                 A group photo with my yoga students.
After yoga session there was a samosa party! :))

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Beautiful cup lights

This photo grabs my attention in first look because it looks beautiful and attractive. The cups and plates are very innovatively used to make lamps. I loved the way how unused or incomplete set of crockery can be converted into beautiful cup lights. Drill a hole in the middle of saucer and cup and paste them together with epoxy glue. Add a cord and fitting to hold the light bulbs. Lampshades made out of used crockery are ready to be used. They can be hung in row or unevenly to decorate the house.

I liked the article ‘Make or Break’ very much on the Crafts section of  Rewardme. It explains in detail how unused and incomplete sets of crockery can be used to create wonderful items like various sizes of cupcake stands, holders to hold jewellery or other small items, reading lamps etc. The article is written in a very simple language explaining each and every point in detail.  The loveliest décor pieces can be created by playing with colors and different types of ceramics.

New designer cupcakes or cake stands can be created by placing the saucers and plates at the base of cups, small bowls and egg cups. Epoxy glue can be used to glue the pieces together and stay there longer. Silicon glue or glue gun provides a weaker bonding. The crockery items can be mixed and match to give a total new look to tea set. Combination of different sizes and colours can be used to create new pretty stands which can be displayed on your kitchen shelves.

For creating something innovative out of ceramics they need to be drilled. It should be done with utmost attention. For that one requires some practice and patience. A cylindrical diamond bit should be used for ceramics which usually have a tip through which water can flow to keep the ceramic item cool. The item should be kept wet wile drilling as it will prolong the life of ceramic drill. To avoid any slippage, drill a hole on a wooden block of the same size needed on the ceramic piece and hold the block while drilling. First drill a small groove and then hold the drill upright and drill the whole circle. The manufactures guidelines on speed drilling should be followed. Most importantly be patient while drilling otherwise it will break or crack.

To create the best out of the waste this is the best article!

Theme 1 “I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”