Saturday, March 11, 2023

WHEN You Eat is More Important Than WHAT You Eat.

What is the longest time gap between your two meals?

Mine is 24 hours which means I only take one meal per day. For the past 14 months, I am comfortable practicing it. Sometimes when I am in a mood to do tapas then I even skip that one meal, which means that I have my meal after 48 hours. My plate consists of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins and fibers. To everyone's surprise, I consume butter, ghee, sweets and fried foods on a regular basis. But it doesn't affect my health as there is a huge time gap between the two meals. If the gap between two meals is very less, even cucumbers will give belly fat. :)

If the gap is more than 9 hours then you are living a healthy life. But if it is less than 9 hours then you should increase the gap by delaying your breakfast or taking your dinner earlier. You can slowly shift it half an hour or so till you reach your goal. The gap between the two meals is necessary for the stomach to take rest and not to produce hormones like insulin frequently. You can increase this gap from 9 hours to 12 hours. In the early days, the people used to have their meals before sunset and only after sunrise. But after the invention of electricity there is no such time restraint, one eats whenever one feels like.

So, WHEN you eat is more important than WHAT you eat. :)

Pic - Pixabay


  1. I read this post on Wildr Chandrika Ji. Having it on an easy to read format makes it all the way better. I am still curious on how to maintain this lifestyle. The internal fire of your tapas must be impressive!

  2. Jai Sri Hari, It's interesting to hear about your 24-hour gap between meals and how it has positively impacted your health. The gap between meals is crucial for our stomachs to rest and not produce hormones like insulin frequently. As you have said, "when you eat is more important than what you eat" is sure thing in today's time.
