Sunday, June 11, 2023

How Beginners Can Select Sadhana(s) in Sadhana App?

For people who are starting their spiritual journey, there are two important practices recommended by Om Swamiji are Ganesh Sadhana and Gayatri Sadhana.

Ganesh Sadhana in Gajakarna Temple involves connecting with Lord Ganesh, who is known as the remover of obstacles. This practice helps us overcome challenges and brings blessings and success to our spiritual journey. It is often done through chanting a specific mantra or engaging in rituals dedicated to Lord Ganesh.

Gayatri Sadhana in Vedic Forest involves chanting and yajna of the Gayatri Mantra, one of the most sacred and powerful mantras in Sanatan Dharma. This practice helps to purify the mind, awaken inner wisdom, and enhance spiritual growth. Focusing on Gayatri Mantra with devotion and understanding its meaning can bring clarity, peace, and spiritual illumination.

During the occasion of Navratri, it is recommended to engage in the nine-day practice of Navarana Mantra Sadhana in Kadamba Forest, as it yields manifold benefits such as it amplifies its potency, invoking the Goddess's protection, strength, and Her blessings. The Navarna Mantra, ‘Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vichche’ is a powerful mantra associated with Mother Divine. It is considered as an auspicious time of intense spiritual practice and devotion, allowing devotees to connect deeply with the divine energy.

For those embarking on the path of mantra sadhana, it is often recommended to undertake Kartik Sadhana in Amravati Temple in Sadhana App. Kartik Sadhana involves dedicated practice and chanting of the Siddha Surya Mantra, a potent mantra dedicated to the Sun God. This sadhana is believed to invoke the blessings of the Lord Surya, promoting vitality, clarity, and spiritual growth. Chanting the Siddha Surya Mantra during Kartik month aligns one with the divine solar energy, enhancing inner radiance, wisdom, and positive transformation. It serves as a way to build connection with the lineage for beginners and to seek their blessings.

It is recommended to undertake Panchakshari Sadhana in Kailasha by chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’. This practice deepens the connection with Lord Shiva, fostering devotion and aligning with transformative energies. The Panchakshari mantra invokes the essence of Lord Shiva, representing inner peace and liberation. By engaging in this sadhana, individuals purify the mind, surrender to the divine, and experience the profound presence of Lord Shiva in their spiritual journey, amplifying the transformation and progression on the spiritual path. When you worship Mother Divine, it is believed that paying homage to Lord Shiva alongside her reinforces the balance between the divine feminine and masculine energies. It signifies the recognition that power and protection are best channelled through a harmonious union of both aspects.

For beginners, practising these five sadhanas (Ganesh, Gayatri, Panchakshari, Navarna Mantra, and Kartik) provides a strong foundation. These sadhanas encompass diverse aspects of spirituality, offering a well-rounded start to the journey of mantra practice and spiritual growth. These sadhanas are considered foundational practices, and can be performed in Sadhana App by the beginners as they provide a strong spiritual base and prepare individuals for deeper and more advanced sadhana practices in the future. It is recommended to approach these practices with sincerity, devotion and respect.

As a beginner in the path of sadhana, it is important to understand that you have the flexibility to practise sadhana in Sadhana App while travelling and that dietary restrictions are not mandatory. Still, if you can incorporate them into your daily life while engaging in sadhana, it can be beneficial and supportive to your spiritual journey. However, it is essential to remember that sadhana is a personal practice, and you have the freedom to adapt it to your specific circumstances and needs, ensuring that it remains a source of inspiration, growth, and inner connection for you. Remember that the intention and commitment you bring to your practice are paramount, regardless of external factors or dietary choices.

A beginner is encouraged to start with shorter durations of sadhana, such as 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 9 days, 11 days, to gradually build spiritual stamina and discipline, allowing them to adapt to the practice at a comfortable pace and experience its benefits while minimising the risk of exerting oneself physically, mentally, or emotionally. This approach recognizes the need for patience, gradual progression, and the importance of finding a sustainable balance in one's spiritual journey.

If you feel that shorter durations of sadhana are not sufficient, it is absolutely alright to repeat those short sadhanas multiple times to extend the overall duration and deepen your practice, allowing you to gradually increase your spiritual engagement and experience the desired benefits at a pace that feels comfortable and fulfilling for you. The focus is on finding a balance that suits your individual needs and capabilities while nurturing a consistent and dedicated spiritual practice.

For beginners while doing sadhana, it is advisable to keep the duration of chanting of mantra relatively short, ranging from 15 to 30 minutes. It's important to note that when accounting for preparatory rituals and concluding ritual steps, the overall duration of sadhana may increase by approximately 15 to 20 minutes, summing up a total of 30 minutes to 50 minutes. It is recommended for ensuring a balanced and comprehensive practice for newcomers as they may not be accustomed to sitting for extended periods and may experience restlessness or difficulty in maintaining focus. By starting with shorter durations, individuals can gradually develop a habit of regular practice by achieving short term goals. 

The emphasis lies on establishing a steady routine and strengthening the qualities of endurance and mindfulness through dedicated practice. The concept behind this is very simple: when the mind acknowledges its limitations and accepts that certain things cannot be done for a specific period of time, it helps build patience, resilience, and an opportunity for personal growth. 

Do not forget to donate in the Sadhana App after you have completed the Sadhana.

May this article provide valuable insights and support in your spiritual journey. In case you are still confused, you can contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Jai Sri Hari! I loved this article, the guidance in this article is invaluable for beginners, I'm very excited to have this freedom to start sadhana of as little as 1 day, this ends my procrastination problem, thank you again.
