Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Julie, the bitch

As I was placing the food wrapped in the newspaper on the ground, it slipped from my hands. The food fell away from the newspaper on the ground. Daily I fed Julie, the bitch with food placed on the newspaper. She took the food in its mouth, placed it on the paper and then started relishing it.

Do you think it is normal for this species or Julie is an intelligent bitch?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

House Vs Cage

On seeing this the first thought that came to my mind was 'Is this a house or a cage?'

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mongoose chasing a chameleon

Crossing one of the busiest roads of the countryside, a mongoose was chasing a chameleon. The distance between them became shorter and shorter. To watch this chasing I stopped my car.

What do you think mongoose will catch its prey or chameleon will change its colour to hide itself in nearby bushes?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

2 Options

An anonymous reader from Australia commented on my earlier posts whose links are given below.
Comment No.1
Comment No.2
The same anonymous person wrote a comment as A Wellwisher :)
Comment No.3

Recently anonymous commented on my previous post as
"Her blogs are so silly and down-right DUMB" the girl said.

Do you think her readers are horny because she is a female blogger or do they have pea-sized brains?

My reply :
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for being my regular reader. Out of the 2 Options suggested by you which one you chose for URSELF? ;))

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Balcony on twelfth floor

On looking down from my balcony on twelfth floor of the building a kid said, “It seems to me that I will fall down.”

Do you live above or below twelfth floor?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How do I see my self after 3 years?

“How do you see yourself after 3 years?” A person who was studying management asked me.
Although my heart wants to get married and have a baby, my brain wants to have more than thousand blog buddies and publication of my novel yet my mouth only utters that I want to know the real name of Mago. I am damn curious to know what Ma and Go stand for.

Do you think I am reserved person who doesn’t tell secrets or I am chit-chatter who talks non-stop?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thankless job!

“I have put on weight. I do regular exercise even then it is not reducing.” An elderly lady complained.
“What exercise you do?” The doctor asked.
“I do all the kitchen work own my own.”
“It is not considered as an exercise. Regular morning/ evening walk are considered as regular exercise.”
“What is the use of doing kitchen work all the time as it is a thankless job?” She vent out her frustrations.