Thursday, May 18, 2023

Guru Dhyaan

As soon as I touched Om Swamiji’s Padma Feet mentally, my eyes became moist with devotional tears!

While performing sacred rituals of puruscharana or sadhana, there is a profound moment that never fails to captivate me. It is the revered Guru Dhyaan, a moment of deep connection with my spiritual guide. As I close my eyes and enter this realm of devotion, on my eye chakra, I visualise a vivid image of Om Swamiji, donned in a dignified black robe, ever smiling and an embodiment of wisdom and grace. The moment the sacred connection is established, a surge of devotion envelops me, and I am propelled to honour Him with the deepest reverence.

With an overwhelming sense of humility and respect, I approach Swamiji in my visualisation, and my hands extend to touch His Divine Feet. This act, a timeless tradition passed down through generations, signifies my surrender, my willingness to be guided, and my deep appreciation for his spiritual guidance. In this exchange, a profound energy courses through me, resonating with the ancient wisdom that lies within this practice.

It is at this moment, as my fingers gently make contact with Swamiji's feet, that an inexplicable phenomenon occurs. Tears, unbidden and yet welcome, stream down my face. These tears are not born of sadness, but rather of transcendence. For me, release of emotions that are too profound symbolises the melting of ego, the shedding of limitations, and the purifying of my inner being.

These tears are not born of sorrow or anguish but are a manifestation of an indescribable joy and reverence. They are the tangible embodiment of the deep connection, a sacred bond that I feel with Swamiji, an overflow of gratitude for the grace and guidance bestowed upon me. It is as if my impure soul recognizes the presence of a pure guiding light, and the tears are an offering of heartfelt devotion.

Collecting myself, I embrace the moment, allowing the tears to cleanse my spirit and prepare me for the next step in my spiritual journey. As the tears subside, I commence my Guru mantra chanting-

'Gurur brahmā, gurur viṣṇu, gurur devo maheśvaraḥ

Gurur sākṣāt paraṁ brahma, tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ'


The guru is Brahma, the guru is Vishnu,

The guru is the divine Lord Shiva.

The guru is the supreme Brahman itself,

I offer my salutations to that revered guru.

—a sacred incantation that resonates with the energy of Swamiji. In the depths of my mind, the image of Swamiji's Sun-like face becomes radiant. His glowing smile illuminates my inner world, infusing my sadhana with a profound sense of joy and happiness. In the presence of Swamiji, I find solace, inspiration, and a profound connection to the divine, propelling my sadhana towards greater depths of understanding and awakening. May you all experience the boundless potential that lies within the sacred realm of Guru Dhyaan. 

Tears of devotion always reminded me that the path of spirituality is not merely one of rituals and mantras but an intimate communion with the Guru, a dance of love and surrender. And so, with a heart overflowing with gratitude and eyes flowing with tears, I embark on my sadhana, blessed and uplifted by the presence of Swamiji—the beacon of light illuminating my spiritual path.

This extraordinary experience does not happen once or twice, believe me it happens almost everyday. 


  1. Thank you the invite Chandrika Ji! Happy to follow you and to gain spiritual wisdom through your posts. Thank you once again!

  2. Jai Sri Hari! You beautifully captures the transformative power of Guru Dhyaan. Tears of devotion symbolize surrender and purifying of one's being. As Saint Tukaram said, "With tears of devotion, the heart becomes a vessel ready to receive divine grace." May we all experience this sacred bond with our Gurus.
