Monday, January 23, 2023

Guru as Sole Refuge

“Without my Guru’s wish not a single leaf can move in my life.” I told my mentor.

“How is that possible?” He asked out of curiosity.

“He connected me with the bond of mantras. The more I chanted the stronger the bond with Him. At my stage of spiritual evolution, the Guru has full control over the disciple's life irrespective of whether the disciple lives near Him or at far off place. What matters is the nearness of the heart.” I took a deep breath and continued, “He is 'The Rainmaker’ as He can create rain. He can stop the fire in the woods with His shakti. If someone is fatally ill, then He can cure that person and save him from the clutches of the Lord Yama – The God of Death. He is very powerful.”


“The relationship with the master is entirely on a different plane – spiritual plane. As I am talking to you if He wishes He can trace this conversation and can keep a track of my thoughts. Therefore, I have to think positive all the time. He is the transmitter of good ideas, commands and positive thoughts whereas I am a receiver who has to be ego-free for a good receptor by shedding all negative thoughts and emotions. Most importantly if my mind is empty it will act as a good receiver, but you know my mind is full of Tollywood and Bollywood drama. I quoted Swami Venkatesananda that the communication can take place between the two only when the disciple and the master have become like one, where they are on the same level and on the same wavelength.”

Whenever I am tense because of some business problem and unseen future troubles me, I tell myself that nothing can happen in my life without His wish. So, whatever will happen whether I like it or not it will happen with His wish only. Swami Sivananda said, “By Guru’s grace, the disciple can overcome obstacles and doubts on the path. There must be a perfect unity between the Guru and disciple and then the disciple will be immediately benefitted.”

Whether I am crying or laughing, happy or sad, successful or failed- all this happens with His Grace! Because He is my sole refuge and has full control over my life. He guides me through His strong spiritual thought-currents. Many times, I have felt that.

Now, once again when my life is falling apart, I comfort myself that it is only His wish as nothing can happen in my life without His wish. In this way if He wants me to be spiritually evolved, I must happily accept that. I have to excitedly drink whether He offered me juice of life or poison of life. Swami Satyasangananada Saraswati said, “Guru’s grace can manifest in many ways – it may be pleasant and sweet, or severe and unpleasant. Most disciples believe that when the guru speaks with kind and soft words, he is bestowing a blessing and the more pleasant and charming he is, the more grace is being bestowed. But this need not to be true. Guru’s grace can be very unpleasant at times. The guru chops, saws, and cuts the disciple’s ego with a clear vision of what he is trying to achieve and shows no mercy until he has finished the product. As the carpenter transforms the wood into an object of utility, purpose and beauty, the guru transforms the disciple into a liberated being, to be the guiding light of many.”

P.S. 1. Ma (my mother) shared this couplet with me from the book ‘भजन-सुधा’ from page no.44 from the bhajan ‘गुरू वंदना’ -

तत्त्व ज्ञान गुरु ने बतलाया, 

अंधकार सब दूर भगाया,

ह्रदय में भक्ति दीप जला कर, 

हरि दर्शन का मार्ग बतलाया।

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